Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 6, 2019

Đề thi thử Tuyển sinh 10 số 2 năm 2019-2020

           BÌNH ĐỊNH                                                         Môn thi : Tiếng Anh - Thời gian : 60 phút  (Không kể thời gian phát đề)
PART 1. Complete each blank with ONE given word. There are more words than needed. (1.5 m)
if      that     did      don’t      why     while      haven’t     unless
1. I’m pleased _________you are working hard.
2. Nam fell over _________he was playing basketball.
3. ____________not use banana leaves instead of paper or plastic bags to wrap food?
4. You have to do your homework every day, ____________you?
5. You won’t pass the exam______________ you study hard.
6. Mary wishes people _______________ not use dynamite to  catch fish.

PART 2. Match the beginnings to the correct endings. Number 0 is an example. (1.5m)
0. B    Why is it difficult for Honghoa  
1. …. If the pollution goes on,
2. …. Hoa failed her English test.
3. …. I’m disappointed
4. …. Na is very  tired.
5. …. She told me
6. …. The chair
A. that people have spoiled this area.
B. to get access to the Internet?
C. Therefore, she has to do the test again.
D. what might happen?
E. that she was watching TV then.
F. that I bought yesterday is broken.
G. However, she has to finish her homework  before she goes to bed.
PART 3. Give the correct form of the verb or the word in brackets. (2.0ms)
1. I suggest (put)……………………….a garbage bin in every classroom.
2. Wearing uniforms makes students (feel)…………………equal in many ways.
3. The house (not paint)…………………….since I bought it.
4. I wish my parents (buy)…………………….. a wireless TV next year.
5. My house ( build)……………………………………… month.
6. When I arrived home, he (lie)……………….on a couch.
7. It’s (health)............................ to eat too much sugar and fat.
8. (Environment)................................are very concerned about the oil slick in the sea which is killing marine life.
PART 4. Each sentence has a mistake . Find the mistakes and correct them .(2.0ms)
     Ex: I would like having a new computer .                                              ……having → to have
      1. Wearing uniforms encourages students be proud of their school.    …………..   → ……………..
      2. She hasn’t eaten for a quarter past six.                                              …………..   → ……………..
PART 5. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the  first one. Use NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS. (2.0ms)
1. People sing Auld Lang Syne on New Year’s Eve..
→Auld Lang Syne …………………………………………..New Year’s Eve.
2. We went on a picnic though it rained heavily.
→In spite ……………………………rain, we went on a picnic.
3. I bought the novel. It tells about wild animals.
→The novel……………………………………………………  about wild animals.
4. “Which grade are you in?” the man asked me.
→ The man asked me………………………………………in.
PART 6. Complete each space with one of the words given below. Make changes if necessary.(1.0 m)
useful     destroy     importance   die     build   interest
Wild animals play an (1)____________ part in the balance of nature, and supply us with many important products. Birds and other small animals help control insects. Wild animals provide fur, food, and recreation. They also make our surrounding more (2)______________. Uncontrolled hunting has destroyed much wildlife. People have also harmed animals by (3)________ their habitats. Many animals, such as the passenger pigeon, have disappeared completely. Others, including the whopping crane, the blue whale, and the American alligator, are in danger of (4)______________. 
PART 7. Read the following passage and decide if the statements that follow are TRUE or FALSE (1.0m)
We can develop alternative sources of energy, and unless we try we will never succeed. Instead of burning fossil fuel we should be concentrating on more economic uses of electricity, because electricity can be produced from any sources of energy. If we did not waste so much energy, our resources would last longer. We can save more energy by conservation that we can produce for the same money. Unless we do research on solar energy, wind power, tidal power, hydroelectric plants ... our fossil fuels will run out and we will all freeze or starve to death. Many countries are spending much more time and money on research because the energy from the sun, the waves and the winds last forever. We really won’t survive unless we start working on cleaner and safer sources of energy.
1. Fossil fuels are renewable sources of energy.  3. The energy from the sun, the waves and the winds will never be used up.         
2. Electricity can  be produced from the sea.        4. We really need to worry about cleaner and safer sources of energy.
---The end---
           BÌNH ĐỊNH                                                         
                                                                    Môn thi : Tiếng Anh
(Gồm 01 trang)
Answer keys
1. that
2. while
3. Why
4. don’t
5. unless
6. did
0.25 x 6 = 1.5m
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. G
5. E
6. F
0.25 x 6 = 1.5m
1. putting
2. feel
3. has not been painted
4. would buy
5. will be built
6. was lying
7. unhealthy
8. Environmentalists
0.25 x 8 = 2.0ms
1. be → to be
2. for → since
0.5 x 2 = 1.0m
(Chú ý: Tìm được lỗi sai 0,25đ và sửa đúng 0,25đ)
1. Auld Lang Syne is (0,25đ) sung on (0,25đ) New Year’s Eve.
2. In spite of (0,25đ) the heavy (0,25đ) rain, we went on a picnic.
3. The novel (which/ that) I bought (0,25đ) tells (0,25đ) about wild animals.
4. The man asked me which grade I (0,25đ) was (0,25đ) in.
*Học sinh không viết đủ những từ gợi ý đầu câu và cuối câu trong đề vẫn tính điểm.
0.5 x 4 = 2.0ms
1. important
2. interesting
3. destroying
4. dying
0.25 x 4 = 1.0m
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
0.25 x 4 = 1.0m


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